Are you interested in a full size web site. Don't think you can afford one, in this day and age can you not afford one? for less than a $1.50 a day $30.00 a month, after setup, you can have an extensive web site to tell your customers all about you.
This is a great way to extend your paper advertising, keep in mind your newspaper and or magazine advertising may only last a week your web site is 365 days a year 24 hours a day Oh!!! and did I say it's not just local but Global!!!. You will get:
- 1 (one) domain name registration using our domain name registrar.
- You will be able to edit and maintain this web site your self from any computer from any where in the world at any time using world class open source software how cool is that!!!
- The site software is updated as required.
- Unlimited web pages. Well not quite unlimited they are limited by your web space (see below) but we are talking about 1000's of pages.
- Your company logo and/or name and colors all in a custom design.
- Contact page's that will allow your customers to contact you using anti spam technology.
- Unlimited email forwards
- 500 meg's of web space and 4gig's of bandwidth per month
- 4 hours of personal training on how to maintain your site
By no means is this a complete list, if you can think of it, it can more than likely be done using this system.